Thursday, May 19, 2005

First Rule Of Sales

Most everyone I talk with considers selling to be a pushing thing.

In other words - it's the salesperson pushing the product or service
and the buyer is resisting - holding out- stalling. Until recently,
most sales training programs taught the same thing. Trainee
salespeople had to learn dozens of phrases to manipulate the buyer
into a corner. Pretty stressful and often unpleasant for both sides.

But how about if selling was the ability to help the customer find
what he wanted. Not so much a push and pull but rather a joint

See - the buyer knows a lot more about what he wants than
he tells the salesperson.
He has been conditioned over time to be careful about what
he discloses because he knows that a sharp salesperson may
use that information against him.

So he only tells the salesperson enought to point the way -
but that's it.

It's very difficult under these circumstances to avoid a combatant

The solution.

Persuade the customer that you are working in his best interests
and that if what you have works for him - great. If not you will
point him in the right direction.

How will you know when this is happening?

When the customer sends you his close friends with his
recommendation to work with you. He feels safe enough
with your expertise and integrity that he is prepared to risk
his friendships.

How to achieve this objective. Watch the next post